The key indicators of the semi-annual activity were discussed during the working consultation

The results of the combat and operative service activity of Border Guard Troops during the first half of this year were summarized in the RA NSS Border Guard Troops.
During the summarizing, the identified shortcomings were discussed, the works aimed at correcting them were clarified, the terms, as well as the further directions of the strategic development of Border Guard Troops were outlined.
Commander of Border Guard Troops, Colonel V. Sargsyan especially emphasized that it is necessary not only to correct the shortcomings, but also to carry out relevant follow-up, constantly develop and improve. Officers were instructed on proper planning, and oversight of daily, monthly, and annual activities.
The Commander of Border Guard Troops also noted that the successful solution of the problems can be achieved only through the use of the full potential of Border Guard Troops, daily and consistent work, specifying the tasks.
Summing up the consultation, it was noted that comparing with the results of previous years, there is a positive shift in all spheres of service of Border Guard Troops and the RA NSS Border Guard Troops are able to fully and timely fulfill all the issues raised.