04 march 2020
85th anniversary of the first commander of Border guard troops was solemnly celebrated at Border guard troops of the NSS of the RA

On March 4, retired Major General Grigory Garegin Grigoryan’s 85th anniversary was solemnly celebrated at Border guard troops. He is now the Chairman of Veterans, Pensioners' Union (NGO) of Border guard troops of the NSS of the RA. By the Decree of the Interim Director of the NSS of the RA, Colonel E. Martirosyan, G. Grigoryan was awarded with the medal "Veteran of Security Bodies"
Commander of Border guard troops of the NSS of the RA, Colonel V. Sargsyan and the Chairman of Veterans (Pensioners) of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation to the RA, retired Colonel Y. Voronov congratulated G. Grigoryan.